Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our little family

Within the past year we have had several additions to our family. Nacho- back in May 2007 ( we picked him up in St. George at Brad and Kandra's after watching the Celine Deon concert. He is the smartest and cutest cat ever. He really is my little baby. I treat him like it too. I know he just a cat but he's my cat and adorable.

Marisa came to live with us at the beginning of the school year. She has been wonderful! I know she is not my child and of course she doesn't want me to treat her like that, but I do my best or at least try to do my best at some mothering. She definitely brings in a new element to our family. She has helped Bart & I, to wake up and live. She is always on the go or doing something.

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