Thursday, February 24, 2011

Growing Up

My little baby doesn't feel like such a little baby anymore. Koda is getting so big. Part of me is so excited for what he will do next, but part of me is sad and misses the baby stage. I wish I could freeze time for a little while. I think moving Koda to his toddler bed is almost as hard on Bart and I as it is for him.

Koda always screams for his food when he can see me making it. And not just little screams, but a full on tantrum. So, I thought that it was time to have him help me make his meals. He loves this so much more. What a way to replace tantrums with smiles. In this picture he is helping me make him a sandwich.

He can go down the stairs front-ways. This can be quite scary for me.

He can climb up on the stove. I'm trying to teach him "hot". So's working. He's not touching the burners when I'm cooking.

And drum roll........
Koda can eat by himself. He loves it!!! He normally downs his food so fast, I can't keep up. He gets inpatient when I don't get the food to his mouth fast enough. Now that he feeds himself he has been forced to slow down. He loves this new found independence. And so do I. :)

1 comment:

Amy K said...

He is so cute Crystal. What a good mom you are to figure out that helping would make him happy. I'm so glad you have another little one to enjoy that baby stage, while you watch Koda get big. :)